The Corals

We do have many native coral species in Europe. However, very few people know about their existence.

We have many native coral species in Europe. However, very few people know about their existence.

While the word “coral” automatically reminds us of colorful coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea or the Indo-Pacific Ocean,  there are many species of corals along the European coast which can form extensive coral gardens. They can be found from the Mediterranean Sea to the northern Atlantic Ocean and remain largely unexplored.

Corals do not grow only in the tropical shallow-waters.

While the word “coral” automatically reminds us of colorful coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea or the Indo-Pacific Ocean,  there are many species of corals along the European coast which can form extensive coral gardens. They can be found from the Mediterranean Sea to the northern Atlantic Ocean and remain largely unexplored

Visitors from another world.

Why do we know so little about the coral gardens right on our doorstep?

While tropical corals derive their blaze of color and food mostly from a symbiosis with microalgae, our native coral species do not need these. Tropical corals need sunlight for their symbionts and are therefore living close to the water surface where they are more easy to access.

Our corals live from the food they capture from the water column. Therefore, they can live in much deeper places, as deep as 3500 meters. We can only explore them with the help of cutting edge technical equipment and effort. Although they sometimes live in the dark, they produce their own pigments, exhibiting beautiful colors when exposed to light. 

Visitors from another World. 

Why do we know so little about the coral gardens right on our doorstep?

While tropical corals derive their blaze of color and food mostly from a symbiosis with microalgae, our native coral species do not need these. Tropical corals need sunlight for their symbionts and are therefore living close to the water surface where they are more easy to access.

Our corals live from the food they capture from the water column. Therefore, they can live in much deeper places, as deep as 3500 meters. We can only explore them with the help of cutting edge technical equipment and effort. Although they sometimes live in the dark, they produce their own pigments, exhibiting beautiful colors when exposed to light. 

Why are our coral gardens so important?

Similar to tropical coral reefs, coral gardens in Europe are biodiversity hotspots. They form dense aggregations which we can look at as marine animal ‘forests’. They offer protection and habitat for countless other organisms. These, in turn, provide an irreplaceable source of food for larger species such as fish. A gigantic web of life exists in and around a coral garden. It is like an oasis in the desert of the vast ocean.

picture © Emanueal Gonçalves

Why are our coral gardens so important?

Similar to tropical coral reefs, coral gardens in Europe are biodiversity hotspots. They form dense aggregations which we can look at as marine animal ‘forests’. They offer protection and habitat for countless other organisms. These, in turn, provide an irreplaceable source of food for larger species such as fish. A gigantic web of life exists in and around a coral garden. It is like an oasis in the desert of the vast ocean.

The threats to our coral gardens

Our coral gardens are threatened by the direct and indirect impact of many human activities. However, fishing is probably the main cause of habitat destruction.

Unfortunately, the problem lies in the rich biodiversity of a coral garden itself. Where there is a lot of life, there are also the best fishing grounds. Fishing nets destroy large parts of this unique habitat. The nets are pulled or dragged over the reefs and get caught on the corals. 

How much coral habitat is effectively destroyed remains largely undocumented and is a fundamental part of our research.

Many of the corals that get caught in the nets end up as bycatch on board the fishing boats. They dry out or they are thrown back into the sea, where most of them cannot survive without being reattached to the ground.

The threats to our coral gardens

Our coral gardens are threatened by the direct and indirect impact of many human activities. However, fishing is probably the main cause of habitat destruction.

Unfortunately, the problem lies in the rich biodiversity of a coral garden itself. Where there is a lot of life, there are also the best fishing grounds. Fishing nets destroy large parts of this unique habitat. The nets are pulled or dragged over the reefs and get caught on the corals. 

How much coral habitat is effectively destroyed remains largely undocumented and is a fundamental part of our research.

Many of the corals that get caught in the nets end up as bycatch on board the fishing boats. They dry out or they are thrown back into the sea, where most of them cannot survive without being reattached to the ground.

Coral Diversity

Gorgonians – sea fans and sea whips 

The coral habitats in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean consist mostly of gorgonians (sea fans and sea whips) and a few species of hard corals. 

Gorgonians belong to a group of corals that do not have a hard internal skeleton. Instead, their skeleton is made of a different material that is more flexible than that of hard corals. Additionally, gorgonians have millions of tiny calcareous needles located in the coral’s surface tissue that gives it extra support and flexibility.



Coral Diversity

picture © Emanueal Gonçalves

Gorgonians – sea fans and sea whips 

The coral habitats in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean consist mostly of gorgonians (sea fans and sea whips) and a few species of hard corals. 

Gorgonians belong to a group of corals that do not have a hard internal skeleton. Instead, their skeleton is made of a different material that is more flexible than that of hard corals. Additionally, gorgonians have millions of tiny calcareous needles located in the coral’s surface tissue that gives it extra support and flexibility.

picture © Emanueal Gonçalves

Eunicella verrucosa
– Common or Pink Sea Fan –

This coral is one of the most common species in shallow-water habitats of the European Atlantic coast and we find it very frequently in fishing nets. It is called the pink sea fan, common fan or warty gorgonian. That’s because its skeleton has many small bumps into which the polyps retract (see our section on Coral Biology to learn more about what a polyp is). We can find Eunicella verrucosa 15 m to 400 m deep. Its colors can vary from fully white to pink or orange. This species is currently listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

picture © Emanueal Gonçalves

Eunicella verrucosa
– Common or Pink Sea Fan –

This coral is one of the most common species in shallow-water habitats of the European Atlantic coast and we find it very frequently in fishing nets. It is called the pink sea fan, common fan or warty gorgonian. That’s because its skeleton has many small bumps into which the polyps retract (see our section on Coral Biology to learn more about what a polyp is). We can find Eunicella verrucosa 15 m to 400 m deep. Its colors can vary from fully white to pink or orange. This species is currently listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

picture © Emanueal Gonçalves


– Orange Sea Fan –

Leptogorgia sarmentosa is also known as the orange sea fan, but the name is not entirely accurate. We find the coral in many color variations. It can be fully yellow, terra-cotta orange, purple, purple and yellow  or completely white. Variants with differently colored tips are particularly beautiful. The coral branches are very slender, the colony is bushy, and can grow up to over 60 cm in height. The purple and yellow variant is often (inaccurately) considered a separate species called Leptogorgia lusitanica, which is reminiscent of underwater flames. This is the color variant most often found in Portugal. The species can be found at depths between 8 and 200 meters.

picture © Emanueal Gonçalves


– Orange Sea Fan –

Leptogorgia sarmentosa is also known as the orange sea fan, but the name is not entirely accurate. We find the coral in many color variations. It can be fully yellow, terra-cotta orange, purple, purple and yellow  or completely white. Variants with differently colored tips are particularly beautiful. The coral branches are very slender, the colony is bushy, and can grow up to over 60 cm in height. The purple and yellow variant is often (inaccurately) considered a separate species called Leptogorgia lusitanica, which is reminiscent of underwater flames. This is the color variant most often found in Portugal. The species can be found at depths between 8 and 200 meters.

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picture © Emanueal Gonçalves

Paramuricea cf. grayi 

For a long time, our Paramuricea was thought to be of the same species as the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata from the Mediterranean sea. 

However, our recent genetic studies revealed that the Portuguese populations are genetically different and a distinct species, which should be called Paramuricea cf. grayi, a species originally described from Madeira. 

As for Paramuricea clavata in the Mediterranean, we find two color variants in the Atlantic: a deep purple color variant and a vibrant yellow color variant, which are also genetically distinct and may represent separate species. Resolving that question is part of our research.

When in contact with air, both color variants immediately turn black presumably due to a chemical reaction of the color pigments.

P1150013-001 Kopie
P39 Agosto 2019 (4) Kopie

Paramuricea cf. grayi 

For a long time, our Paramuricea was thought to be of the same species as the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata from the Mediterranean sea. 

However, our recent genetic studies revealed that the Portuguese populations are genetically different and a distinct species, which should be called Paramuricea cf. grayi, a species originally described from Madeira. 

As for Paramuricea clavata in the Mediterranean, we find two color variants in the Atlantic: a deep purple color variant and a vibrant yellow color variant, which are also genetically distinct and may represent separate species. Resolving that question is part of our research.

When in contact with air, both color variants immediately turn black presumably due to a chemical reaction of the color pigments.

Hard or stony corals

They have an external calcareous skeleton that makes them much more rigid than the soft corals such as gorgonians. Many tropical reefs consist of the calcareous skeletons produced by stony corals.


Hard or stony corals

They have an external calcareous skeleton that makes them much more rigid than the soft corals such as gorgonians. Many tropical reefs consist of calcareous skeletons produced by stony corals.

Dendrophyllia cornigera
– Yellow Coral –

Dendrophyllia cornigera is a hard coral found in the Mediterranean Sea and NE Atlantic Ocean. This species often inhabits hard soil and occurs at depths ranging from 30 to 1200 m. Similar to Dendrophyllia ramea, this coral forms rigid tree-like colonies consisting of 1-2 cm thick polyps and about 30 to 40 cm in size. Despite its deep distribution, the living coral is bright yellow and often possesses an orange-tinted mouth.


Dendrophyllia cornigera
– Yellow Coral –

Dendrophyllia cornigera is a hard coral found in the Mediterranean Sea and NE Atlantic Ocean. This species often inhabits hard soil and occurs at depths ranging from 30 to 1200 m. Similar to Dendrophyllia ramea, this coral forms rigid tree-like colonies consisting of 1-2 cm thick polyps and about 30 to 40 cm in size. Despite its deep distribution, the living coral is bright yellow and often possesses an orange-tinted mouth.

Dendrophyllia ramea
– Orange Tree Coral –

Dendrophyllia ramea is also called the tree coral or the orange tree coral. This species can form tree-like colonies of up to 1 meter in height. We find them mostly between 30 to 200 meters depth, though there are repors of sightings at 700 meters. Dendrophyllia ramea has beautiful bright colors of orange and white or neon yellow tentacles. The colors are in the living tissue and the skeleton itself is white.

Dendrophyllia ramea
– Orange Tree Coral –

Dendrophyllia ramea is also called the tree coral or the orange tree coral. This species can form tree-like colonies of up to 1 meter in height. We find them mostly between 30 to 200 meters depth, though there are repors of sightings at 700 meters. Dendrophyllia ramea has beautiful bright colors of orange and white or neon yellow tentacles. The colors are in the living tissue and the skeleton itself is white.

Coral Biology

Plant or animal?

Although many species of corals look like plants, they belong to the animal kingdom. Corals are mostly modular organisms that form colonies. A coral colony consists of many small “individuals” called polyps, which look similar to a sea anemone. In fact, corals belong to the same group as sea anemones and jellyfishes, the phylum cnidaria.

Coral Biology

Plant or animal?

Although many species of corals look like plants, they belong to the animal kingdom. Corals are mostly modular organisms that form colonies. A coral colony consists of many small “individuals” called polyps, which look similar to a sea anemone. In fact, corals belong to the same group as sea anemones and jellyfishes, the phylum cnidaria.

The coral polyp – a close-up

A single coral polyp can be viewed as a sac that has a central mouth surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging cells called nematocysts. The polyps are interconnected and exchange nutrients with each other via stem canals. When one part of the coral feeds – it does so by capturing small prey from the water with its tentacles or by nourishment provided by the symbiotic algae living in their tissues that photosynthesize – it can share the nutrients with the rest of the colony.

What appears to us as a coral at first sight, is actually the coral’s skeleton. It is created by the coral itself and provides the organism protection.

A single coral polyp can be viewed as a sac that has a central mouth surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging cells called nematocysts. The polyps are interconnected and exchange nutrients with each other via stem canals. When one part of the coral feeds – it does so by capturing small prey from the water with its tentacles or by nourishment provided by the symbiotic algae living in their tissues that photosynthesize – it can share the nutrients with the rest of the colony.

What appears to us as a coral at first sight, is actually the coral’s skeleton. It is created by the coral itself and provides the organism protection.

How does a coral grow?

Corals grow by asexual duplication of the polyps, replicating themselves repeatedly to form a colony. This occurs through a budding process in which a parent polyp produces a new polyp. One parent polyp can simply divide into two or more polyps (intratentacular budding), or it can bud off a part of itself to form a daughter polyp (extra-tentacular budding). As the colony grows, it keeps producing the calcareous substance that forms the skeleton, providing support and allowing for further growth.

How does a coral grow?

Corals grow by asexual duplication of the polyps, replicating themselves repeatedly to form a colony. This occurs through a budding process in which a parent polyp produces a new polyp. One parent polyp can simply divide into two or more polyps (intratentacular budding), or it can bud off a part of itself to form a daughter polyp (extra-tentacular budding). As the colony grows, it keeps producing the calcareous substance that forms the skeleton, providing support and allowing for further growth.

How does a coral reproduce?

Sexual reproduction in corals involves the production of gametes (egg and sperm cells), fertilization and embryo development into a larva.

In general, we know very little about sexual reproduction of temperate and cold-water corals. This is a fundamental part of our research, which is extremely important to ensure the survival of the species.

Sexual reproduction in corals occurs in one of two forms:

1) broadcast spawning, in which species release egg and sperm cells into the water over one or a few days. They then fertilize each other in the water (i.e. external fertilization) and grow into small coral larva;

2) brooding, in which only the sperm cells are expelled and carried through the water to another coral. There they encounter egg cells and fertilize them. The coral larva develops in or on the maternal coral colony and is then released into the water. 

The small larvae move entirely free and are carried out to a new place by the ocean currents. Through environmental stimuli, when the larvae are carried over suitable substrate, it is capable of finding a good spot to settle onto. Once settled, it starts the metamorphosis into the coral polyp stage, which will then bud new polyps to form a colony. After reaching a certain size,  the coral becomes sexually mature.

The larva is effectively the only free-living life stage of a coral that disperses.

This cycle of sexual reproduction is generally repeated on an annual basis, especially in temperate and cold-water coral species like those occurring in Europe. Unlike most reef building tropical corals that are hermaphrodites (a single polyp produces both egg and sperm cells), the colonies of our corals have separate sexes.

How does a coral reproduce?

Sexual reproduction in corals involves the production of gametes (egg and sperm cells), fertilization and embryo development into a larva.

In general, we know very little about sexual reproduction of temperate and cold-water corals. This is a fundamental part of our research, which is extremely important to ensure the survival of the species.Sexual reproduction in corals occurs in one of two forms:

1) broadcast spawning, in which species release egg and sperm cells into the water over one or a few days. They then fertilize each other in the water (i.e. external fertilization) and grow into small coral larva;

2) brooding, in which only the sperm cells are expelled and carried through the water to another coral. There they encounter egg cells and fertilize them. The coral larva develops in or on the maternal coral colony and is then released into the water. 

The small larvae move entirely free and are carried out to a new place by the ocean currents. Through environmental stimuli, when the larvae are carried over suitable substrate, it is capable of finding a good spot to settle onto. Once settled, it starts the metamorphosis into the coral polyp stage, which will then bud new polyps to form a colony. After reaching a certain size,  the coral becomes sexually mature.

The larva is effectively the only free-living life stage of a coral that disperses.

This cycle of sexual reproduction is generally repeated on an annual basis, especially in temperate and cold-water coral species like those occurring in Europe. Unlike most reef building tropical corals that are hermaphrodites (a single polyp produces both egg and sperm cells), the colonies of our corals have separate sexes.

What does this have to do with our project?

Corals, and especially those living in the deep sea, have very slow growth rates (a few mm to cm of linear growth per year). It takes a long time for them to reach sexual maturity, and as such many corals are very old. Our project is crucial because we rescue and transplant corals that are generally sexually mature and that can continue reproducing. In this way, we can reforest coral gardens manually while also promoting natural recovery by sexual reproduction.

What does this have to do with our project?

Corals, and especially those living in the deep sea, have very slow growth rates (a few mm to cm of linear growth per year). It takes a long time for them to reach sexual maturity, and as such many corals are very old. Our project is crucial because we rescue and transplant corals that are generally sexually mature and that can continue reproducing. In this way, we can reforest coral gardens manually while also promoting natural recovery by sexual reproduction.

You can help us save these corals and preserve our oceans’ biodiversity by participating in the PLANTACORAL project.

You can help us save these corals and preserve our oceans’ biodiversity by participating in the PLANTACORAL project.



save our coral gardens

About Plant A Coral

Plant A Coral e.V. is a registered non-profit and charity organsisation in Munich, Germany. Our aim is to protect and restore European Coral Gardens.

Contact and social media

Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve
Universidade do Algarve Campus de Gambelas
Edifício 7
8005-139 Faro

You would like to support our cause?

Our donation account:
Plant A Coral e.V.
Santander Bank Consumer Bank AG
IBAN: DE84310108339912357438
© 2024 plantacoral. All rights reserved.


save our coral gardens

About Plant A Coral

Plant A Coral e.V. is a registered non-profit and charity organsisation in Munich, Germany. Our aim is to protect and restore European Coral Gardens.

Plant A Coral e.V.
Karwendelstrasse 8
82140 Olching

You would like to support our cause?

Our donation sccount:
Plant A Coral e.V.
Santander Bank Consumer Bank AG
IBAN: DE84310108339912357438

Contact & Social media

Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve
Universidade do Algarve Campus de Gambelas
Edifício 7
8005-139 Faro
© 2024 plantacoral. All rights reserved.
